fender blender anyone?


I recently acquired a Fender Blender pedal for almost nothing. I can sell it to about 4 people right now for $200. I've been fooling around with it trying to make up my mind whether to keep it or sell it. Does anyone know of any common applications of such a pedal, or perhaps an example of one used in a popular recording? It does have a unique sound but good for what? Anyone?
Fender Blender...ah yes..back when all the guitar effects had mysterious exotic names like "Electric Mistress" and "Bass Balls".
The Fender Blender has been used extensively in the work of the English Band "My Bloody Valentine" and their guitarist Kevin Sheilds.
Allegedly, it was also used in the Smashing Pumpkins' song "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" in the part when the key changes.Hope this helps..