Female cover -- Coldplay "Fix You"

All the ingredients are there. Great voice!

My comments are:

1 I'd like to hear the kit up a bit so that it has a bit more bite (but that is a taste thing), and maybe guitar down a bit

2 There is a timing problem around 1:57. Guitar and kit are getting out of synch with each other.

3 At 2.58, the backing vocals could be given more weight, brought forward and matched with the main vocal more . . . almost as if there was a trio there.

4 At the start there is a fast delay that sounds like the singer is singing against a concrete wall. My inclination is to lengthen the delay and push it back a bit
Wow, she has a very nice voice. I really enjoyed listening to this.
At the beginning, the vocals seemed like they had too much echo--to me it seemed distracting, and took away from the purity and intimacy of the vocals.
at 1:05 those snare hits are a little out of time and in my opinion should be louder and snappier.
Some of the vocals parts should be louder like the "fix you" at about 1:30.
Overall the drums should be louder, and they seem like they need to be tightened up rhythmically overall. Just a little out of time here and there.
Her voice sounds especially great around 2:50.
More drum timing issues at around 3:10.
I really like those backing vocals.
Anyways, that's my feedback for what it's worth.
Thanks for posting, nice work!

PS I wrote this before looking at the other review, looks like we commented on some similar things.