Feelings on microphone brands


New member
So I am quite a newbie... I've been playing guitar for a long time, but I'm just starting to work on recording. I have several dynamic mics, 2 small diaphragm condenser mics and 1 large diaphragm mic. I was thinking about picking up a ribbon mic but the only ones that I can find that are even close to my current budget are by NADY...


I was wondering what everyone's feelings are on NADY mics.

I think maybe if you shopped arround you can scare up a cascade or perhaps an MXL or CAD...too many bad experiences with NADY mics...though some have had them modded and seem to like them.

The only affordable ones Id trust here would be the BeyerDynamic 130 and 260...a bit more expensive but its worth it to me.
Cascade (period).

Shinybox are okay... Probably the same guts as the Nady's but with better QC and nice trafo options.
I love Nady.
I use them all of the time.
People love to bash them just the way they beat on Behringer.
Here.. http://mixcraftlive.com/members/93/audio.php ... every track on that album was recorded on a Nady RSM2.
It's only my second "Home" recording and probably not your chosen genre but judge the sound quality for yourself.
"The Roads & Miles" and "The Mountains of Mourne" both have fiddle in them. Like I said, judge for yourself.
Let us know what you get. I'm always interested in a good deal on ribbons.
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I don't mean to bash Nady - And I thought their ribbon sounded pretty nice - It took 5 or 6 of them to find the one that sounded really nice (hence my problem with their microphones...), but once I found that one, it was very nice.

The Cascade units though - The Fat Head specifically - You can take yours and find a stranger on the street with another and make a stereo pair out of them more times than not. Consistency and quality control. Same with the SilverBox and a couple other "mfg's" who use that very same ribbon unit.
i would like to speak on CAD's behalf ive got a few of there mics in my collection and the trion 7000 is pretty sweet its a dual element ribbon and can be bought for a touch less than 300 i've had alot of success with that mic and it might be worth looking into for you but by the same token, i've never tried the nady so i cant give you a apples to apples comparison all i know is that my cad was a great buy
I don't mean to bash Nady - And I thought their ribbon sounded pretty nice - It took 5 or 6 of them to find the one that sounded really nice (hence my problem with their microphones...), but once I found that one, it was very nice.
Now that's an honest, useful review. Some one who has actually tried them and formed an opinion through experience rather than relying on the opinion of others.
Maybe Massive Master (sorry for the alliteration) could tell you what he didn't like about the first few he tried.

My experience with Nady has obviously been much better than his in that out of 5 microphones, I only got one that I didn't like. I passed it on to someone who does like it though. Never got one with a slack ribbon or any other manufacturing flaw.
There can be many reasons for not liking a particular brand, none of them having anything to do with the quality but having everything to do with your own ear. Almost every microphone has a use somewhere.
For this reason I'd say, read as many reviews as you want then actually buy something. Use it. Listen to it and finally forget everything you've read and form your own opinion.