Feedback on my voice in acoustic cover?


New member
Hi guys! I recorded a stripped down acoustic cover of myself singing Disclosure's and Sam Smith's song "Latch"

I found the instrumental online but the rest of it (the vocals) are recorded in my untreated bedroom using a Blue Yeti USB-mic on GarageBand. I'd really like some feedback/opinion on my voice if possible. What can I improve? Whats negative/positive?

I want the truth! Thanks in advance


  • latchcovermp3.mp3
    2.3 MB · Views: 31
No obvious problems. A little bit of phase issues in the recording, but that's not your voice. If I were you I'd audition for local bands (and I'd take some musician friends along, cause you don't want to sign on with deuces) that play your style. You've got a great voice, great falsetto, great control. Truth is, you are ready. Can you front, if not take some drama/speech type courses (you sound older than high school, so I'm assuming college courses). Look for a good vocal coach if you are not trained (I cannot imagine that you aren't). Go audition for a Gold Ticket...Do something with that voice!
Wow thanks man! I'm 19 and live in Sweden so I am currently studying. I'm graduating swedish "high school" in a month. I have never had any vocal lessons, or any coach. I just started taking my singing more seriously last fall and have been singing everyday since then. What are "phase issues"? Also I'm really having trouble singing in front of other people, as soon as I do, I get shaky and insecure, and because of that my ability to sing is weakened. I don't know what to do.

Thanks for the feedback!! Awesome
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Phase issues are recording problems, not vocal. Probably your USB mike, best guess.

Drama and speech classes will boost your confidence. Getting up in front of lots of people on a regular basis. You can get the same and actually make money if you go to open mic nights and stand up comedy forums (you'll need to practice some material). You might even get picked up by a band that's looking for a top caliber vocalist. That should boost your self-esteem and put you on track.
When I was your age I was singing in a band in college 4 nights a week and I was a nervous wreck every night! By 25 I was making a living at bass/vocals and I was still a little nervous if I had to set my bass down! Just a headset mike between me and 100-400 people in the Denver bars was :eek:, but most of the time I could "hide" behind my bass. You might try that trick too. Get you an acoustic guitar and just strum (you don't have to play). Gives you something between you and the crowd, which helps believe it or not.

Side note: Do you still do 2 year mandatory military service after high school in Sweden? Seems to me they dropped that a couple years ago...
Thanks for the awesome tips, will do my best to try them!

No, in Sweden it is no longer mandatory. But still, alot of people do it for the sakes of it :)
Your voice is great. You can get a vocal coach if you want to try and find any weak areas you have to work on them. Also you need to get singing in front of people. It's going to suck, but do it anyway and work on it. Also joining a band could be a good idea. Gives you some support on stage.

Keep it up man
Seems to be the general tip, joining a band or so. I might look it up, for now I think I'll just keep practicing my vocal skill and perhaps get a vocal coach. I might look into some drama courses! Thanks alot for the feedback guys!
Great voice bud! When you slide from your normal voice into falsetto there are barely any breaks, which is a real skill. Get yourself gigging and writing, you have talent.