Feedback on my first cubase project (URL included)


New member

This is my very first cubase project, i have never recorded music before now but have studied cubase workflow for the past 3 weeks and felt comfortable enough with it to record a song, obviousl not aiming for the grammys lol, but any constructive feedback would be appreciated, because im very new to all of this and any tips would be greatly appreciated to help me in future projects.

1 rythem acoustic guitar track panned centre
2 lead acoustic guitars panned left and right 80
1 lead vocal track panned centre
2 backing vocal tracks panned 80
effects...EQ, Reverb, and finally a Stereo delay.

Equipment used...Yamaha FG720 acoustic guitar, M audio fast track audio interface, M audio nova condensor microphone.

Thanks for reading, hope i havnt missed anything.

First impression--the acoustic is thin and bright, and has lots of pick noise. Often this kind of sound on an acoustic works great in a full mix--helps the acoustic stand out above heavier instruments like drums, bass & electrics. But when the acoustic is the central component, I think it should be fuller and richer.

If you've EQ'd the guitar to sound that way--try it without. But if that's the natural sound you got when you tracked, you should probably retrack and play with mic placement to get a more full sound out of the acoustic.
I agree with the guitar being thin and bright. Also, I'm hearing too much of the room on your vocals. I would experiment with reverb. Great song though!
Can't add much to what the others have said, other than to say it's really nice song and suited the simple production.