Feedback on mix - down tempo melodic rock song

Hey guys. I think this may be the most pro sounding thing I've ever mixed, so I'm really excited about it. The drums are all real, with the kick being sample replaced and a sample being blended with the snare. The guitars were miced with an sm57 off-axis pointing at a Marshall TSL JCM 2000 going through a Randall Slant cab. Bass was some POS Jay Tarver crap going DI. The vocals were me recorded through my Shure SM7b. I am in the process of applying for jobs and internships at local studios and I'm trying to compile more songs like this for a "resume" of sorts for jobs. Ignore the shitty drumming, since I haven't played drums seriously in like 5 years :)

Also, the song is not done. It needs some second guitar parts and other accentuating touches badly, and there are no vocals yet after the second chorus, but this is just a demo idea that I put together on a marathon recording session from like 8PM - 6AM in one night lol.View attachment 17 harmMinor.mp3
Mix sounds good, the kick drum gets my attention right away as being too loud/artificial sounding. As the song gets going it blends better, but it's still too loud IMO. Guitars have a good sound-i can hear that familiar sm57 honk. The distortion that kicks in 3:15 is a nice sound. I can hear a low end but hard to say "that's the bass"-during the chorus for example. Vocals sound very good to me a nice lush sound during the chorus especially-i'm guessing there's a few layers there-not listening with headphones....I like that instrumental section with that dissonant/polychord sound, cool tune.
This is good stuff.....and now I hate

I liked the kick, but then again Im a drummer sooo...

I'd love to hear this when your done!
Kick is more out front than the rest, that may be why it stands out so much. Maybe it's just too loud, or needs to gel with the rest of the drums through a buss comp or some verb.

Snare reverb is super long, I'd mellow that out.

Guitars sound cool.

Vocals sound good, nice tails on the verb.

bass isn't too distinct in a lot of parts. But, I can hear it's there so it's fine.