Feedback on grindcore mixjob


New member
Alright so my band and myself have begun home recording our demo. Here is a sample of how the mixing is going (we havnet recorded bass or vocals yet). Just wanna know what you people think.

I also want to know how to;

1. Make the guitars sound even bigger (and by bigger I mean thicker! like a farken wall)

2. Make the kick drum slice through the mix in a punchy fashion.

Basically we had 4 mics on drums. Snare + bass were hard limited then compressed. Aint touched the overheads with compressiom (yet).

Had 2 guitar tracks recorded seperately. Doubled them and eqd them differently. In the left hand side, theres guitar1 panned at 80 focusing mostly on the outer channel mixer. Also guitar2 panned at 40 focusing more in the middle/inner left channel. Inner tracks (at 40) have a 0.1ms delay on them too.

So there are 4 guitar tracks. Like most grind I want HUGE guitars, a nice distorted bass line in the middle giving some shape/lower defintion, with the snare (centre) and bass (mid/outer) to cut through strongly. H-E-L-P!

Here are 2 songs mixed basically the same (and no, they are definately not our strongest songs):
Less compression on the drums
Put some highs on the snare, roll a LOT of lows off the bass. Damn thing drowns out everything else.
Roll some lows off the guitar, boot some highs and high-mids.
Quad-tracking the guitars is a good way to get a really dense, huge sound (i.e layer each guitar twice on each side.)

In fact, get some decent monitors and mix it in a room that doesn't sound like arse would be the best place to start.

D'you have the raw tracks to hand? Wouldn't mind having a go myself just to see what could be done. I'm not in the studio though so it's wouldn't be as good but I'd be able to spot things that need changing.
Hey mate, thanks for the ridiculously quick response.

Less compression ey? For the snare I used 4:1 compression, 60 attack, 50 decay with a threshold of -19db... didnt think there was 'too much' compression? Though since there was a little bit of leakage on the snare mic to the hihat I can see what you mean.

I'm going to have a crack at getting a better bass drum sound today, definately get rid of those damn lows.

If you want the raw tracks just give me your email address and I'll send them over. I'll have to compress them into MP3s of course.

Cheers again mate.
how does this sound before any processing? the guitars don't sound too bad really, but i can't hear any bass (if there is any) and the snare/kick are way too boomy
i'd actually roll lows off the guitars a bit more now that i listen to it

the overheads are either too compressed or the cymbals are complete garbage, i can't tell
There isnt any bass.

The kick drum has a terrible sound I gotta mess with the EQ.

I dont mind the snare too much, it needs to cut through to a certain extent.

Cymbals are really low in the mix, there was a bit of leakage in the snare mic for the hi-hat and a little crash (which is what I think youre talking about there) - to the extent where the hihat in the snare overpowers the condensor mic overhead that side.
ausgrindslaught said:
Hey mate, thanks for the ridiculously quick response.

Less compression ey? For the snare I used 4:1 compression, 60 attack, 50 decay with a threshold of -19db... didnt think there was 'too much' compression? Though since there was a little bit of leakage on the snare mic to the hihat I can see what you mean.

I'm going to have a crack at getting a better bass drum sound today, definately get rid of those damn lows.

If you want the raw tracks just give me your email address and I'll send them over. I'll have to compress them into MP3s of course.

Cheers again mate.

The drums sounded a wee bit pumpy to my ear is all. Could have been the massive boom-monster of a kick though! I like to comp snare and kick individually but I rarely comp the whole drum bus.

Email is phil dot roberts at gmail dot com. :)