Feedback on blues rock song, "People Under the Stairs"

I got a real Black Sabbath feel.

Guitars sound OK. A bit of an amp sim feel - but not bad. The doubling is a bit loose. Kind of gives it a cool feel. But if you were going for super tight doubling, it's not.

I'm not hearing much from the bass. I think it's a bit low, and there's lot's of low end in the guitars.

The effects on the vocal make it sound like a Sabbath song. Which is cool if that's what you were going for. But it makes it sound like it's from 1969. So you're not going to get a modern sound - if that's what you were going for.

Drums don't sound too bad to me.
Yea, I'm definitely going for a vintage vibe and the doubling was intentionally loose. Also there is no bass, only guitars, drums, and vocals. The guitar amp was mic'ed, no modeling, so I was hoping that would sound more vintage/analog too.
I really Dig this. Listened to it a couple of times. I hear the sabbath in there too. I would get a distinctive bass in there to fill up that bottom. I think the vocal are ok, but at times they get lost. I think they need a little EQ to just bring them out a touch more.
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very cool. yeah, bit of sabbath for sure. get some bass for this - will definitely fill it out. i'd tighten up the section near the end, around 2:08, just a bit. I know it's loose, i get it, but just a touch is what I would do. nice work
I like the song. Good vocals. There's a lot of mud going in. The heavy reverb is making it worse. I'd work on clarity in the low end. You're using the guitars to cover what should be the bass. A bass would do the job more efficiently and cleanly. Is that your recording setup in the picture on the soundcloud link? Those drums look like they are tucked into a corner.
Nice tune. I like it. I also hear the Sabbath influence. Hinted with a touch of Steppenwolf maybe.

I think the OD on the guitars is a tad too much but I like the sound of everything else. Get a bass in there and this tune will take off and sound much better.

I enjoyed the couple of listens I had. :thumbs up:
Sounds good to me, I really like the song. Guitar fill after that first verse sounds awesome. The vocals are really good, pretty McCartneyesque. The ending is a nice touch.