Feedback on a song ;)


New member
Hey everyone,
Please give some feedback on this song i made a while ago. It's an instrumental song.

I'm going to be really honest and say the first thing I noticed was the tone of the lead guitar and thought it sounded pretty awful. The backing behind sounds OK from what I can hear of it (the lead guitar is very over-powering).

I listened twice to be sure how I felt about the sound of the guitar. To pull off an instrumental, I think you need to make it a lot more interesting than what you have produced here.

That's my honest opinion, others may disagree. :thumbs up:
Hey everyone,
Please give some feedback on this song i made a while ago. It's an instrumental song.

Wow - so first - good on you for tackling a song with all these elements -- you've got lead racks, multiple rhythm tracks - drums, harmony lines - some effects and a song with structure. Totally cool.

General Mix comments -- all your guitar tones and textures are competing for the same sonic spectrum - things get muddy pretty quick when this happens so you might try to vary your amp/mic settings and or guitar settings so that each part has a clearly different character. Others can speak to the

As for the playing -- What I heard was that you were playing right at the edge of your ability -- so right away -- cool on you for tackling such an ambitious project. But the challenge is that as you struggle with the transitions to get to the next phrase you miss the opportunity to really sell the phrase you just played. You've got some nice lines there but you really need to punctuate them - especially the endings of the phrases. Just like a gymnast - you need to hit the landing. When you put runs together -- think of it like slip sliding around - you really need to nail the ending and people will not hear the slip sliding -- but if you finish weak then the whole run feels that way. Jimmy Page would sometimes slip slide all over - but man could he ever nail down a finish note when he wanted too. We barely noticed how cleanly he got there (or not cleanly). What I would do as an exercise here is to take each run (assuming you are using a DAW) and see if you can practice and record each lead line or phrase individually so that you nail it -- you can use two tracks an alternate recording each phrase between the two. This way you can really work on each phrase and make sure it really says what it needs to say without worrying about what you have to play next. Then you can either leave the tracks as is or cross fade them together so it appears that they are being played continuously.

I wouldn't abandon this -- I'd continue to work it and see if you can practice those lines and get them tighter. I'd start with those things. Good Job though.