Features of CWPA you miss in Sonar!


New member
Well, the first one I missed even from PA6 to 7 was that the markers just stood on the top of the timeline instead of drawing a faint line right down through the the clips pane.
But with PA9 to Sonar I miss the snap to grid and its options being down in the bottom right hand corner.
Any others maybe?
But with PA9 to Sonar I miss the snap to grid and its options being down in the bottom right hand corner.
Do you miss the acutall function, or are you just annoyed with it's placement? It's right there, you know... ;) Press N to toggle it on/off, shit+N to adjust the settings...

One thing that I missed was the Audio View, but now that I'm used to zooming in, it's no problem. Acutally I like it a lot better! :)
And my Cakewalk FX3 doesen't work in Sonar (with my setup, anyway)! I miss it alot! It was a fun toy...
Just the placement really. Yeah, like all things really when you get used to something you think why did they have to change it.

But moskus, mate. Are you sure about this one?

>shit+N to adjust the settings...

8^0 Seems a messy way to do it..

Btw, what does Cakewalk FX3 comprise of and why the hell can't you access it?
shit+N to adjust the settings...
DOH! :D :D LMAO! :D Oh well, yeah it's messy, but what'cha gonna do?

The FX3 just crash my computer, that's all. I apply it to a track, doubleclick it to adjust the parameters, and then *click* nothing happens. Everything locks up for 5-10 sec, and the computer restarts by itself. I've never had a crash with Sonar and Win2k (ok, I have, but they are extremely rare), but this piece of plugin does it every time! I've never had problems with plugins before, even VST works like a charm!
I miss the pencil tool. Missed from the first day I loaded Sonar, and I still miss it. :(

Moskus, have you tried uninstalling FX3 and reinstalling it? Might help. Maybe there's some problem in the registry.

BTW, I find piss+N much less messy. :D
Hi guys

One that we've never had, but I would oh so love to have is a totally customizable right click menu option.

I hardly use a third of what's on there as default but I know a few things I personally would like to see. It would be great to have an option, perhaps in the "Global" settings, "Select Personal Right Click Commands"

Well, this has now made me think
"How do the designers of Sonar actually conceptualise working with the software to an optimum degree?"
though that thought also does have the effect of making me feel that I'm still going the long way round to do some things that I do routinely!

LOL! I say read the manual, but half of me says SCREW THE MANUAL! I know for a fact we all have out own way of doing things and, thank God for that! It probably defines our own styles.

Erm. The point of this message was I think it would be great to be able to choose exactly what commands reside in the right click menu when working in the clips pane.

Now moskus and Dach are going to tell me:

"Hey Janic. It's right there in the ..... "

If you do I'm gonna swear in Finnish.
Hey Janic, it's right there in the.... :D

Naw, it ain't, and I agree, it would be very usefull with customizable menus. But noooo... "we can't have any of that":(

Yeah, I've tried to reinstall FX3, but for you Dachay, I will try once more. ;)

I miss the Cakewalk Tuner. It is there, but it's not working (but I think that's because of my soundcard). But there's plenty of other tuners around...
I could well be mistaken here, but did not Logic have fully customizable menus?

Customisable is a much more refined spelling but I fear our colonial cousins may have the upper hand even with English spelling..

I could well be mistaken here, but did not Logic have fully customizable menus?
I think so... I've only used Logic once. That was a recording session that went to hell, because of Logics unlogic structure. I didn't even get to play with the menus... But whatever, we all use Cakewalk here! ;)
Just 47 more, you'll be a senior member and your hair start turning grey. :D
Janic said:
Are you more online than me?
It's ADSL, baby! Highly addictive! Combine that with this place, and you're in troubble! ;)

It's nice to see a fellow from Scandinavia. (Is Finland technically a part of Scandinavia?) You're awake at the same time as me...
I believe we have great opportunities, especially within Scandinavia, but this bollox within a European famework... I'm sceptical.

Yes, I must say I don't like Euro prices, but I have to learn this shit. They're not going to pull out now because of me! The Finnish Mark was such a great price.

I voted "no" for a norwegian membership in the EU, and thank god for that! We don't have the Euro, but I think it's just a matter of time before we do...

As Norway officially is no part of the EU, we have so many rules and politics from Central Europe, that it doesen't really matter...
No. I'll start..


And don't forget to rrreally rrroll the rrr if you want to say it rrright.

Yawn. I'm so tired today. Thank God the weekend is over and I can get back to some work tomorrow with the kids at school and my wife out at work. Ahh... An uninterrupted 8 hours with Sonar should calm my nerves.

Come on moskus. Let's have some Norwegian now please!


Good luck with Sonar tomorrow! But I'll guess that one of your kids needs to stay home with the flu... :D