

New member
Lost my user manual and owners manual, can anyone help. Also, I wish to use the FD8 as a mixer straight into my pc program [which I haven't bought yet] to burn CD's any advice!!!
I have the users manual and quick start manual in pdf form. let me know if you want me to email them to you.

fostex took down the links to manuals, but the files are still there. here's the link to the users manual:


Hooking the fd-8 to a pc is pretty simple depending on what you're trying to do. My method is to use the ADAT i/o to transfer up to 8 tracks at a time to and from the PC. I also use midi cables and MTC to chase/lock both ways depending on what I"m doing. If you only plan on using the analog i/o on the fd-8, you're a bit limited, but not too much. Using MTC, you can slave the fd8 to the pc and make multiple passes to transfer tracks up to 4 at a time.