FD 8 formatting zip disks


New member
I recently tried to format a 100 mb zip disk for my fd8. It went through the process but then indicated 6 mb and 8 min of recording time available. The disk had previously been used in a comoputer so this was as reformat.

Is this common? I have run into this one other time. Is it a bad disk or was I doing something wrong? I was using a 250 mb drive.
This is the answer I got from Fostex in case anyone else runs into this problem.

1. If you are using Zip 250 drive, you must use 250 MB blank diskette, don't use 100MB diskette on 250 MB drive.
it is perfectly OK for computer applications, but not FD-8, 250MB drive writes and reads much slower on 100MB diskette.
In fact much slower than 100MB drive with 100MB blank.
2. Make sure you are formating in "Normal mode" not in master mode.

If you are using 100MB drive and Normal mode and you still get 6-8MB out of it, probaly the diskette is old, try with the new blank.