favorite led zeppelin album

What is your favorite zeppelin album

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tell me what our favorite zeppelin album is
and if you know any thing about the recording aspect tell me about that too :D
Physical Graffiti - Black Country Woman

Hey, hey, mama, what is wrong with you
That's alright, I know your sister, too.
What's the matter with you, mama
led zep II, because of bring it on home. and all the other songs for that matter. led zep IV has a better sound i reckon, but II has better tunes.
If there was a checkbox for "all of the above" I'd be able to participate in this poll. Regardless of the hype, I've always been a huge Bohnam fan. The way he lays down a groove like Kashmir or Fool in the rain or The Crunge is just amazing to me. I can't pick just one. :cool:
Night Flight.. Sick Again.... In The Light....

I'm going to have to go with Graffiti. Plus, it's a double album. It's like a twofer.
I voted for how the wes was won cuz no one voted for it... I've never listened to any fo these CDs, but o well. My interest in classic rock was bludgeoned to death by my peers before it could develop :p .
Man, this is a hard one. I agree with RezN8, if there was a checkbox for "all", that's the one I'd choose. But I picked both "physical graffiti" and "presence", I love both of those albums. Don't get me wrong, all of their albums are killer but I'm partial to those two.
I went with Houses cuz it's so concisely diverse and maybe cuz it's the first Zep album I bought.
But I think Presence is vastly underrated and their most electric album...Achilles Last Stand is eerie and monstrous.
There's really no Zep song that I hate though, and I can hear their influence in everything since that tries to be heavy.
I voted for all of them except The song remains the same....i think it sucks compared to the more resently released DVD which is mindblowing.