Favorite guitar song

Marquee Moon by Television, Parents by Budgie, Eleanor Rigby by The Zoot or anything on Argus by Wishbone Ash.
I'll look for links BUT...
Here we go...
wishbone ash
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tna0Mmu1XlI (this is a live version by the sounds of the bass & the slight vol imbalance between the guitars)
You have to be careful with the ash. The definitive lineup - as in Argus - is long gone - the version still touring is great but it misses the riginal guitar interplay that made Blowin' Free a blast & the other tracks so ARGUS I guess.
You're right Riffo - I was intro'd to them by a live vid that was played on telly quite a bit in the VERY early 70's down under.
Whoops forgot the Zoot's E R. (that's a pun for Rick Springfield who was in general Hospital I think) just a pop band down this way but they did some freakishly good rock once Rick joined.
Oh, that's Beeb Birtles from Little River band on Bass & Darryl Cotton from Cotton Christian & ? on vox too.
We had a great time in the late 60's when O.S. artists releases were banned from some radio stations & so all the local acts did covers that were assumed, by the listeners, to be originals.
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Marquee Moon by Television, Parents by Budgie, Eleanor Rigby by The Zoot or anything on Argus by Wishbone Ash.
I'll look for links BUT...

I have Argus by Wishbone Ash. Great band that never got the attention they deserved in the states. "Blowin Free" is awesome.