Favorite Albums make on 4-tracks


New member
I want to know everyone's favorite album recorded on a four track. I don't no why, these things just entertain me. My favs are Sebadoh - Bubble and Scrape/The Beatles - Sgt.Peppers
You'll have to qualify that question a bit more... there is a HUGE difference between the high-end analog 4-track reel machines used for the Beatles and the low-end budget analog 4-track portastudio used by Springsteen for Nebraska....

It really doesn't matter to me. You see I said The Beatles already and though you have probley never heard of Sebadoh they use a TASCAM portasudio. I just wanta know because I'm silly that way.
and the beatles used two 4-tracks synced together so they really had 8-tracks although I don't think they used it quite like that.

My own favorites: The first three Hendrix albums
Just answer the question Bruce... Whats your favorite recorded on a 4 track?

Don't make it more complicated than it has to. (poking bear with small and short stick)

TASCAM original Portastudio might be a contender...They used a 1/4 inch 4 track reel to reel built into a 6 channel desk. They should have kept going than direction. Maybe we would have choices in home analog recording systems. Maybe...

Anyhow, I don't have any favorite albums done on anykind of 4 track. Sorry :0(

atomictoyz said:
Just answer the question Bruce... Whats your favorite recorded on a 4 track?
ok, ok...

I haven't liked any "PortaStudio-type" 4-track albums that I've heard (including Nebraska)....

High-end 4-tracks -- I'd say The Beatles Sergeant Pepper's...

Nebraska is a fucking work of genius. The shit protastudio he used just adds to the whole record. It got swept under the rug as far as Bruce Springsteen albums are concerned... but when you listen to slick shit records like "Tunnel of Love" by Springsteen then you see how much color and beauty the way he recorded that record added to its content. Stroke of genius.
Give Blue Bear a break - he's probably just coming out of hibernation. Hey Bear, go have a coffee and cigarette, then we'll let you back in :)

You can't really discuss 4 track recording without at least mentioning the Grifters and Guided by Voices. They molded careers around those machines.
Get my head out of my ass?

What a prick! Why get so ruffled when I just said that Guided by Voices were shit?

I didn't say YOU were shit.

But now that you mention it.