Fastest guitarist in the world - official

How many chicks...

I have seen this performed before by classical guitarists, just as fast.
So what.

Before you all cream your jeans see if he can play it on an acoustical guitar.

...and if you all practice your tremelo you could play it fast too. Ok mabey not at 320bpm.

I have the score for this and was going to learn it. Then I realized that there was no reason to do it other to impress other guitar players. At some point you realize that you don't need to impress other guitar players you just need to make music.

Besides, rather than shoot the whole wad it is more fun to turn up the heat incrementally until the show off exausts what they know or you learn something.

It is all bull crap. My advice, change your shorts and get on with the music.

Right on! My question is how do chicks feel about all this string scraping? After all it's not how fast you play but how good your ass looks in tight leather pants. I didn't see any chicks in the video. Are you sure he's scoring?
Sounds like he's just picking extremely fast and sliding his fingers along the fretboard to the right notes here and there, doesn't even sound like he's actually moving his left hand. It also doesn't really doesn't really look like that either, but yeah.
Ridiculous either way.

He must jackoff SO much. Seriously.
I love threads like this because they pull all of the pretentious jerk-offs out of the woodwork.
What reasoning can one give for saying all of this guy's efforts are "wasted time"? Because it doesn't appeal to you? Because your own tastes are too refined to be impressed by such a juvenile display? :rolleyes:

This type of condescending attitude always shows up right on cue every time a shred guitarist is mentioned. Of course, anybody is welcome to say that they hate it and would never want to listen to it, but to belittle and demean everything about the guy just because you can't personally find anything appealing about it is fucking lame.

Personally, I'd love to be able to hit that sort of speed, if for only a brief moment. It would have to make some of the more practical speed playing dramatically easier. And for the record, I would not want to sit and listen to something like this for musical enjoyment; it's a spectacle, and it was obviously intended as such. But is this type of extreme technical ability worthwhile to a guitarist who recognizes the emotional impact that speed can deliver....absolutely.
I find shredding dull and emotionless. Whats the point. Thats cool that you can play fast, but it doesn't sound good--ever.

I find shredding dull and emotionless. Whats the point. Thats cool that you can play fast, but it doesn't sound good--ever.


Again ... (and I know this is only your opinion), but what is exactly "fast?"

What's the bpm limit on playing with emotion?
This thread is now officially gay. To all the people bitching about this guy, making assumptions that this guy even considers it music, rather than something fun to do, you are all as transparent as glass. You are jealous. I've met many a guitarist in my time who took a negatory stance to someone playing fast, or doing anything complex, and it was always the same, they couldn't. They saw someone else doing what they couldn't do they get jealous,bitch about the guy, then say "well who would want to do that, it's gay" to cover up for the real motive behind their bitching. I was even like that myself once when I was 14.

The guy is just doing something for fun. The same reason people run a marathon, or cliumb a mountain, or attempt to bake the worlds largest pie. It's for fun, they aren't trying to prove anything, and this guy certainly at no point said 'this is music'. It's already bee nestablished that the guys own music is nothing like that fast paced, but still, everyone sees this one video and creates what they view as an accurate summation of this guys attitude to playing guitar. Really I'm sure all that happened is that the guy loved playing guitar, practiced a lot, got to a point where he could play fast, saw that there was a competition, and thought it would be a laugh to enter.

You can tell the jealous guitarists a mile off, because they are the ones who believe there is a point where you become to good or too fast or too complex or too this or too that. I'm not saying that everyone who plays guitar should aspire to play like that, but it's pretty lame that MrX spends so much of their time ripping on MrY's ability to do something MrX can't.

Deny it if you want, but you people can't deny to yourselves that you wish you could do that shit like that, even if you try and make out to everyone else that you don't.
The thread title is "Fastest guitarist in the world". Pretentiousness is built in. :p

No, it's the exact opposite. Speed is totally objective, and not a matter of opinion. Whether or not it's cool is obviously a matter of opinion, but that's not the point.

The pretentious see higher value in whatever sort of playing appeals to them, and thus dismiss any other sort and belittle its practitioners.
lets's music

There is nothing wrong with the desire to shred. I spent hours transcribing and learning solos by Alan Holdsworth, John McLaughlin, Don Mock and many shredders from the 70's (last time I cared for shredding). It's the 64th note scale run in Villa Lobos Prelude #2 that really shreds. Now I just like to ride the feedback knob on my digi-delay and squeel melodies with the delay rate, same effect (or affect?).
you wish you could do that shit like that, even if you try and make out to everyone else that you don't.[/QUOTE]

Nope, but I wish I could play any Hendrix tune like he did.
How many Berklee guitar players does it take to........... (insert whatever number) Ok maybe that not so funny but it is 5:00 am here and jsut about anything is funny. Oh, on a side note Bravo Villa Lobos.
Out of interest, how many notes per second is he playing at 320bpm?

I don't know if he's playing 16th or 32nd notes

At 320bpm a 32nd note comes every 46.875ms, at a rate of 21.3 per second.
16th notes, on the other hand, would come every 93.75ms at 320bpm, at a rate of 10.7 per second. :eek:


I find shredding dull and emotionless. Whats the point. Thats cool that you can play fast, but it doesn't sound good--ever.


How about you post YOU doing somelthing that you believe does sound good?

That being said, time for my opinion:

I've seen a lot of guys play like this. Dime a dozen. Most of the time it does lack emotion (I wouldn't say it doesn't sound good, though, because that's just pompous). There are a few that I've seen, though, that do not lack emotion. It can be done, but apparently...not by everybody.
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I havent even listened to the music, just glossed the thread... something mind bogglingly fast with little "feeling" playing, eh?

My thoughts, in no particular order.....

the ability to play something "sorta okay..." at some moind boggling speed... MAY be this guys idea of practice... I know benchrest shooting for me is a hobby like music. Here, we shoot or try to get as many hits as possible on targets as far away as possible when we assemble from all over the country for a competition as we do once a year. Shooting from benches and sandbags, dream positions.

In real life? We'd be lucky to hit a "pie plate" on a trotting deer in underbrush at 1/4th the distance we were shooting at competing. This might be an exercise for him maybe.

this guy might be able to play with some feeling at a slower (but still fast to mortals, LMAO) regular speed.

MY THOUGHTS are did anyone here think of WRITING a SCORE with great technical skill and emailing it to him?? you transcribe it to "tabs" and I bet this guy could play it, even the "Yngvie solo" you write for him. Always try to USE a resource you see, especially if everyone else seems to be discounting it.