"Fake" a stereo aux send?


New member
Hi everybody, this is my first post here so go easy on me. :D

I'm using a Peavey PV10 mixer that has 2 mono aux sends - 1 pre-fader and 1 post-fader. I'm currently running the post-fader mono send to an Alesis Q2 which I'm using mainly for reverb/delay. The PV10 doesn't have dedicated returns, so I'm returning the Q2 into an unused channel (channel 9/10 which is a stereo channel w/ one fader & pan control). So although the Q2 has a stereo input, I am only outputting a mono signal to it.

Well... I like my reverbies/delays in stereo. They sound more gooder that way. I like to record tracks in stereo and apply effects in stereo. Is there any way to do this with my current mixer? Would I have to hook it up into two tracks' inserts and control the wet/dry mix from the Q2? Could I use the pre- and post-fader sends in tandem as long as I kept the post-fader track's fader at 0? Do I need a new mixer? But I love the colory knobbies!!!! Please advise :p And have a nice day :o
So although the Q2 has a stereo input, I am only outputting a mono signal to it.

That's normal
The PV10 doesn't have dedicated returns, so I'm returning the Q2 into an unused channel (channel 9/10 which is a stereo channel w/ one fader & pan control)

If this is what you have done then you reverb/delay is in stereo on channels 9/10.

If you want to record tracks in stereo use 2 channels while tracking. Send the aux. of those tracks to your reverb.
bigwillz24 said:
That's normal

If this is what you have done then you reverb/delay is in stereo on channels 9/10.

If you want to record tracks in stereo use 2 channels while tracking. Send the aux. of those tracks to your reverb.
That won't work right for effects like ping pong delay though, will it? (effects that have interaction between the tracks) - The 2 channels will get merged into the mono aux send before they reach the Q2, and the Q2 will separate them "artificially"?
Stereo Delay Effect - set the pan to the original track hard left. Send that channel through the Aux to the Q2.

On the return set the pan hard right adjust.
With a mono mixer you can use the aux send for one chanel, and the monitor send for the other. This wont give you true stereo but it will give you two signal chains to work with. To get true stereo you have to have two sound sources. To get a stereo effect from a mono mixer...plug mic #1 into chanel #1 on the mixer and set everything and send the signal through the aux send, monitor send set to 0; Mic #2 into chanel #2, volume to aux send set to 0 and monitor volume controling the signal through the mon out. Conect the aux out to one chanel of your recorder and the mon out to the other side. This set up isn't perfect but it's as cloce to stereo as you can get with a mono mixer. By adjusting the volumes (out) between the main and the monitor you can even achieve a pan effect. (I didn't say it was easy, but it can be done.)