Faithful God


New member
Hi everyone. I remixed this song and I'd like some comments.
I tracked this with a BR8 and mixed in N-track.

I'm concerned about the bass content.

The style of music is a bit different than I see here typically, but recording is recording, right? :-)


sounds good and it sounds like you are working with some talanted people.

the bass end sounds a little weak and could use a little more boost down there... oops...the bass just came in (!:22). And I want to say it is almost too loud in the mix. But dang-it, now my attention is drawn to it, and I can't but help listen to it. ...


after a bit, it "probably" is ok... but my opinion is worth not much... (I'm a banjo player!!)... or learning...

side note... quite a few mic pops on the vocal there.

very nice stuff.

I suppose someone will come along and tell you this thread belongs in the cave!!! <---- (bad joke)
Nice mix, the vox is just right to me (Great Voice). the bass is too up front, Id tone it down a bit. AND Bring the strings sound up a bit.

Sounds great on my cheapo puter speaks except being a bit bass heavy. I'll give a listen on the Nearfields tomorrow when I can crank em a bit.

CR ><>
Nitpick: The pronunciation of "worthy" is bothersome to me. Should be "wur-thee" rather than "worth-ee" if that makes any sense. The vocalist pops a few P's, too. (Watch out for the word "praise"!) Otherwise, aside from sounding a bit bass-heavy on my headphones, it sounds very good. The drums have a good "live" feel.

OT: So, um, what part of Long Island are you from? (I grew up there!)
Mix - thanks for confirming the point out on the plosives. Once I burned a cd and took it out to my car with the 2000 watt sub, I heard it too! lol only kidding. :-) But seriously, I do hear it too, thanks.

The singer is my Friend and I recorded this for him last year. His wife is playing piano and singing, his niece is singing, his nephew is playing drums, and his brother is playing bass guitar. It's a very musically tallented family. The CD was already finished and sold last year - mainly though a few local churches. I just did this remix for fun and to hone my mixing skills.

Prozkgrl - there is nothing really special about the treatment of the backing vox - I did a small dip at 3K so they wouldn't fight with the lead, and maybe a bit more reverb, which is the Anwida -medium room warm. Its a free plug-in reverb which I think is one of the better freebies.

DonF - not much I can do about 'worthy' now -it's all water under the bridge.
Oh, I grew up in Levittown and now I'm in Islip Terrace.
Nice! Very decent mix. I do agree with the previous poster who mentioned the pronunciation of Worthy. The word is repeated so many times that it kinda sticks out like a sore thumb. But the content is marvelous since He is most definitely a Faithful God and is indeed most Worthy. I don't worry as much about the form or sound of the music as I do the message. Refreshing to find it here. May the Lord bless your efforts.

Jesus is Lord!
Nice sound. Real smooth harmonies. All the singers were very good.

Yeah a bunch of plosives. At least they're small ones.

Not my favorite song. But very well performed.
wfaraoni said:
Small world it is, I grew up in Hauppauge:D just off Rt 111 and the LIE. Now I live just north of Dallas Texas.


Cool! I work right in the industrial park.

Now I dare the other forum members who are not from Long Island to pronounce Hauppauge! :D

String samples could be improved. If you don't have really, really good ones, keep them quiet, at a bare minimum, just for ambience, just above the noise threshold on the track, especially when they are 'exposed'.

At 0:19 and 0:26 as his phrases end, there is an opening and the low quality keyboard strings are screaming through. Always create a harmony with the lower quailty string samples, especially if they are exposed, and quiet, quiet. Don't just play a single sustained note of the strings on the keyboard, at least two, a fourth sounds best with the low quailty string samples.

Best bet is to bring this tune in directly with his voice. Don't give us the cheap stuff first, it's a good idea, but we can't hear the high quality string samples in your brain ...

This guy has an great voice, let him be the first thing we hear.

I had the good fortune of sharing some of the solos with a fantastic tenor in our choir during last Christmas. He's the 2003 Teacher of the Year for our state and teaches american history ... by singing folk tunes he writes and incorporating those into the lesson plans. He has an amazing tenor voice. He does the contemporary service, he's way cool. You have inspired me to record him, and go jam with him.

Good backing vocals mixed well, but I want to hear more swell in the middle of their entrances, this guy's voice is more than strong enough to stand be swallowed up momentarily in the middle of the choir's swells during their entrances. After a while we know the hooks and melodies, so you can provide for more character in the song, by really working the swells in the choir to swallow his voice a bit, later in the song, this let's us really feel the gentle exit based on his voice ... in the middle of their entrance.

If you have the opportunity to have good children's or teenage vocals, use them, mix them so we can hear them at their peaks, and that is in the middle of their phrase, that's a real treat, even if maybe their is a little mistake like the young lady that hangs over a bit at the end of one entrance ... I like to hear just that brief moment of her voice.

Big rumbly bass at it's entrance, take some lows out of that, especially at the entrance on lyric 'righteous god'.

The piano sounds good, well-mixed throughout.

The drums are louder than the choir at times, and that's not good for this style.
The choir is always much more important than the drums.
Good arrangement. performance and tracking is good too. The bass is what your most interested in I guess. The piano is played with a substantial amount of dominant attack on the low strings with their higher harmonics so it cant help but carry a highlighted position in there with the bass and kick drum ( good pianist) . I`d take a bit of the high mid off the bass and back it off a little in the mix, more like a low fat bass. A bit of shelving with a knee in the 50-70 hz area should take out mud and rumble in the bass.
Toki987 said:
Good arrangement. performance and tracking is good too. The bass is what your most interested in I guess. The piano is played with a substantial amount of dominant attack on the low strings with their higher harmonics so it cant help but carry a highlighted position in there with the bass and kick drum ( good pianist) . I`d take a bit of the high mid off the bass and back it off a little in the mix, more like a low fat bass. A bit of shelving with a knee in the 50-70 hz area should take out mud and rumble in the bass.

Thanks, although I appreciate everyones comments, this is what I was looking for. I'll try this.

I give you an 'A' for following instruction! :)