Fairground Organ


New member
I originally posted this in the Mics section. Can anyone help

Fairground Organ

I have been asked to record a Large Fairgroung organ later in the year ( when it stops raining in the UK).

Because of the wide sound front I am thinking of using a crossed pair of NT3's in the centre with another two at extreme left and right which I will use to balance the Mix.

I would prefer to use omni's but the background noise level will be high.

Any advice etc. would be most appreciated.
I am assuming that this a a pipe organ. These are really hard to record well even in a very good acoustic space like a conert hall or church. If it is a live performance as opposed to a "studio" recording I suggest using a multi-track and micing several ways. This method gives you the freedom to pick and choose which mics you want back at the studio.

I would suggest a stereo coincident pair and a few well spaced cardiod close mics to get everything. Do not get too close or specific pipes will dominate. There is a slight chance that you need to worry somewhat about the air rushing out of the pipes but I do not think will really be a factor.
Yes it is a pipe organ with various pieces of percussion very similar to the old cinema organs. Thank you for the advice I will let you Know how I get on.