fading out a song using midi


New member

I am using Cubase LE and I am trying to fade the tracks at the end of the song. I am using audio and midi and I figured out how to fade the audio tracks, but can't seem to figure out how to fade the midi tracks. Does anyone know how to do this?

Open up the MIDI parts, switch the controller lane to show Master Volume (MIDI CC 7) and draw the ramp down there.

This assumes that your VSTis and/or hardware MIDI devices actually respond to this controller (most do).

Question though. Is there any reason why you don't want to apply the fadeout to the entire mix? Just mixdown, then load the resulting stereo file in a new project, and fade that.
Like Altitude909 sez: just activate the automation on the MIDI mixer channels, that should do it. Then the faders should record/play all movements.

Ideally though, as Noisewreck sez, you should really be mixing down with NO fades, and apply the fade to the final master using your audio editor after it's all been processed and mastered.
I like to fade different parts in the song, like slowly bringing the drums into the song or fading different instruments throughout the song. But it does make more sense to fade the entire song after mixdown, that sounds way easier.

Thanks for the help.
To fade the entire mix I prefer to use master automation (I assume your midi is VSTi's). Right-click in the tracks area and select "add master automation track". Then you can edit the overall volume freely.