FA Compressor

I have used it. At $20 you can hardly go wrong. I don't use it anymore because I'm primarily using Cubase now, but I really enjoyed it when I was using n-track.

If you don't have a compressor I'd go for it.

try some of the stuff here...you may be able to pick up something just as good for free...check out the Blue Line first.....

that link is courteousy of the N-Track Moderator his majesty Sir Slackmaster2K...if you use his site he may require you to lick his boots and fix him chicken......
Definitely worth the $20. Much better than the compressor supplied with n-Track. Good to learn on.
Gidge, I have been using the Blueline stuff (probably from your recomendation way back when) and don't have too many complaints. Kind of woundering how the two compared.

Gidge said:

that link is courteousy of the N-Track Moderator his majesty Sir Slackmaster2K.........
Oh my, the people are starting to bow.:D
but how do you read it?

I've been using the FA compressor, but I can't figure out how to read the graph. What do the X and Y axis represent? The instructions that come with it are worthless. Can anyone help?
Try posting this as a new thread. I'd like to see the answers. I don't understand the graph either. The soft knee curve I could see, but that was about it.
On most compressors, the graph is represented as such:

x-axis = input volume
y-axis = output volume

So let's say you do 20:1 compression at a threshold of -10db. On the graph you'll see a nice linear line right up until -10db, at which time the line will shoot off horizontally very quickly. This is because for everything under -10db, the compressor will not change the output volume (disregarding release), but after -10db, the compressor will begin to compress at a ratio of 20:1. Hence everything over -10db is going to come out real close to -10db (disregarding attack) in this example (because the compressor will output +1db of gain for every +20db over the -10db threshold).

That's the best I can do, if you want some real compression discussion, you might ask over in the mixing forum.

Slackmaster 2000
Thanks. What you said makes sense. Unfortunately, sometimes the graph seems to behave as you described it. At other times it doesn't. Weird. That's what I get for $20, I suppose.