extremely basic computer recording question


New member
Hi, I've got a complete newbie question.
I've done analog 4-track recording on my yamaha unit, and now would like to use harddisk recording. Just purchased Cubase.
My question is, assuming that I don't have a $300+ soundcard with many inputs, how do I record more than 1 track or input simultaneously? I've got a cheap soundcard now, with 1 mic input, 1 line in (did I just answer my own question?)
Would it be beneficial for me to run everything through my yamaha 4-track unit and then into the pc? I record primarily guitar, bass, drums.

THanks !

I ran into the same problem awhile back. The answer is "Yes" you answered your own question. Since todays systems have generic
soundcards, it definatly leaves you limited on recording multiple tracks simultainiously. If your used to pyramiding on your 4 track, its essentially the same on the computer, except there will be no need to "Ping Pong" tracks to make more space.
You are only limited to the amount of disk space available. If you are recording in a live environment then everything will be put on to ONE TRACK, Damn it! :) I personally chose the pyramid process over the live mix. However, I ran into a problem while monitoring playback and recording simutainiously. #1 track would rec and play smootly. When I rec'd track #2, during rec'g everything was good untill playback. The channel was very dirty(distorted). My soundcard(SBAWE32), like many out there,
was unable to playback and rec simutainiously...(lots of research on this one, of course Creative Labs denies such a thing!)In my delima of being unable to afford an "Event Layla" (GOD in a soundcard!)I tried using two sound cards, one for rec'g and one for playback. Needless to say I've recorded upto 16 Tracks so far without flaw.
Now my only problem is pulling it back out, track by track for the final mix. (Manipulate tracks via the board) Hope I have'nt rambled too much, hope this is of help to you. Good Luck!
You're going to have to do a bit of research with the search function to get the most out of that rig (like why not to use the mic input and how to hook it up) because we've discussed it all here, but the short answer is yes, you use your 4-track as a mixer and plug it into the line in on your sound card and you can record as many separate inputs as you can fit into your 4-track, though they will only go to 2 tracks on your computer.