Exporting, Saving, and Uploading?

Inspired said:
With my limited knowledge, I thought I was supposed to be burning my song using "audio disc." I think this is the only method I've utilized so far. My version of NERO offers data or audio. Which should I use?

To play back a CD in a CD player, you need to burn an audio CD. to only being able to transfer the files from computer to computer, you need to burn a data CD. Normal CD players do not recognize data CDs (unless the CD player you use plays MP3s).

to make it simple...if you want to burn it to playback in a CD player, make a 44.1kHz, 16bit .WAV file and burn as an audio disc.
to make it so you can transfer it to your grandpa's computer and upload to the web, make a 128kbps MP3 file (if your software program will create that file...otherwise make a .wav file and convert it at your grandpa's house), then burn it as a data CD.
Appreciate all the help from all of youse. I'm slowly starting to figure all this stuff out now. It gets a little easier each time...