Export Zoom R24 Project into Presonus Studio One Professional


New member
I have completed a Zoom R24 project and am hoping I can export it to Presonus Studio One Professional to continue working on it. Is this possible? Has anyone ever done this with success? I'm having troubled finding any info on the internet.
The R24 should have a folder on the SD card called project, with a subdirectory called something like PROOO and under that a folder marked AUDIO. That folder will have the .wav files from the recording. As long as you aren't using internal effects like reverb or guitar sims etc, you should be able to just copy them to your hard drive and dump them directly into Studio One.

If you used any effects in a mixdown situation, those effects won't be there, of course. If it was particularly critical to the project, you could render those tracks which need modifcation and then copy the remaining files over. A bit of a pain, but it keeps the modified track intact.
I'll definitely give that a try. Do you know of anyone who has had success doing this with studio one? Talk to you soon.
I don't use Studio One, but I do that very thing with Reaper.

I copy all the wave files to my hard disk, open a new session in Reaper, then drag all the tracks to the session. I do remote recordings that way. The Zoom is easier for me than hauling in a laptop, interface and PA mixer. I run 7 mics into the Zoom, one line out from the PA for vocals and hit record. After that, everything is done in Reaper.