Explanation of Effect controls in Ableton


New member
Sorry if this is in the wrong area......
I am so excited to have just made my first’ decent’ recording and mix in my Ableton 8.
I need a bit of help with the effects area.
Is there a book or somewhere online that has an explanation of all the effects.(I am recording classical/opera vocals).What they all do and more importantly after I have selected an effect ,what do all the knobs within it mean .I have been feeling my way but I would get more sense out of it if I understood each term
Am I right in thinking that all effects knobs will be universal in there meaning as they are in compression?

Many thanks
What kind of effects are you wanting to know about? If its EQ, reverb, delay, compression, and that kind of stuff you should be able to get quite a bit of information with google searches, and there's probably quite a bit on this site you could search for using the search function.

Not all of the knobs will be universal. For something like a compressor you'll have the standard knobs (attack, release, ratio...etc) but some devices may have more ratios than another. An EQ is an EQ, but some devices will have different curve types, and things like that. Essentially they all do the same things, but go about them differently.

I'd just pick an effect and do a google search and go from there. If its books you are looking for, any basic recording book should get into your basic dynamic processors and what they do. Inside the program you are working with you may also find a help feature or something that will give you a little more information.