Experience with VS-1680?

Hi. I've had a 1680 for about 2 months now and I'm very pleased with it. Its easy to use basic operations right away, and its got enough advanced functions to keep me happy. Is there anything specific you want to know?? Also, what else are you considering?? Since I just recently purchased mine, I can probably give you some good info.
Hey tmcbrinn, I'm thinking of buying a VS 1680 and I hope you could answer a few questions. The people at Sam Ash push the Computer based DAW's like digi Pro tools, and I wonder if I'm getting a strait ansewer from them when I ask about Digital Multitracks.

Any way I want a portible digital recorder to record the bands around my campus. I'd like a few editing options and some effects. How are the editing options? Can you compare them to a computer's editing tools? What's the real difference? How is it for recording drums?

I was also considering the tascam TM-D4000. Its alot more expensive but has 24 bit A/D and a midi in/out. How is the 20 bit A/D on the DS-1680. Is it worth it to have four more bits?

One more dumb question , do I need a mixer for the 1680 or does it have it's own preamps?
Well to pimp out the VS unit a bit, it is portable, ideal for toting about to record bands on a campus. Editing takes a week of frustration and then you wonder how you were so confused in the beginning. You can cut, Copy, insert, delete, bounce and exchange tracks. How is it at recording drums? Thats up to you. It is a digital recorder, it picks up whatever the sound is that you pump in. Plenty of inputs so you can mic the snot out of the drums and get the sound you need. No you do not need a mixer... it IS a mixer of sorts.
The downside of these puppies fall into 2 main issues in my book. First: you can end up half blind reading the mini monitor on it. If you buy new though you will get some sporty software that lets you use your PC. I have heard mixed reviews there. Second and more of an issue... the headroom pretty much sucks. If you get your mix dead on the first try than this is not a big issue, but if you anticipate swells and huge jumps in the sound then be forewarned. Peanuts for headroom. Killer machines for portable multitracking. Oh wait.. third warning. The optional effects cards. They are optional...aka cost a bunch more if you want (you do) them.
The ever popular Roland user interface, and the easy to understand manual. If you're looking for something portable, okay. If not, get a PC. You'll be glad you did.