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Sonar Isn't working with my ews88 terra tech card. It says its supposed to. Right now I've got it too record, but It won't play back. The playback option I nedd dosn't appear on the line out list. And when ever I start it up, I have to disable one of the out possibilities. anyone have any suggestions?
Terratec cards supposed to work fine with SONAR. I don't use it, but I knew my friend got it. As moskus mentioned, would you please specify the problem along with your system spec (machine, OS, driver, etc...) ? We have also BluesMeister here as trusted Terratec card user. I think he's very happy with the card :)

James Argo said:
We have also BluesMeister here as trusted Terratec card user. I think he's very happy with the card
He is, I mean I is. :)

But mine's an EWX 24/96 not an EWS88MT. I've got mine working just fine and dandy.

Goat, can you be more specific regarding the error message on start up? From my experience, it usually relates to a driver that is in use by another app. You can tick the box Share Drivers With Other Apps in Audio Preferences. That usually fixes the problem.

If you aren't hearing anything on playback, have a look at the Terratec Mixer to see if the output meters are dancing up and down while you are in playback. You may have the output muted or the fader could be sitting at zero.

I presume you can monitor while recording on headphones?


Who says you have to disable the mixer? Are you referring to the Windows mixer, the Terratec EWS software mixer or a mixer sitting on a desk next to your PC?

It should be a straight forward exercise getting sound from your EWS card.

Could you detail precisely the input & output devices that show up in Sonar and which ones you have chosen?

Do you get any sounds at all through the EWS88MT? It's a good audio card, you probably have some setting or slider somewhere that is preventing sound from escaping to the outside world.

You haven't got the output muted by any chance? Click on the EWS mixer icon in your system tray. Play an MP3 or something, and while it's playing take a screen shot. Post the screen shot here we can get an idea of what's going on.

I'm not sure why, but Sonar is supposed to be fussy about the names of multichannel WDM soundcard driver channels - have you got any updated drivers for your 88?
It might be worth updating to Sonar2.2 and using the Terratec ASIO drivers as these have fewer multichannel issues, especially in pre-XP windows.

Just a stab in the dark really as Goat doesn't say what Windows he's running or what driver type (MME, WDM Kernal or ASIO) he's using in Sonar.

If he's running 98 or 2k it may not be possible to use all the audio channels under MME or WDM Kernal but switching to ASIO in Sonar2.2 should get around it.