Everly Bros. - "Dream" - Cover

Me and Dougie used to duet this in the late 80's bar scene. Almost perfect vocals and the guitar is sweet.
Mix wise - I find the vocals in the back of the mix and the guitar out front. Reverse that and take some of the room out of the vocals so I get a nice punchy harmony. I love Everly's and I love your version....
Thanks...appreciate it. Please give me more details about "taking the room out of the vocals". Are you referring to "slapback" on the tracks, or reducing the transparency on the highs?
If Ido doesn't mind me answering, I think I understand what he is saying. Yeah, the vocals have a very distinct roomy sound. If you're using a slapback delay, then it is making the vocals sound like they are in a highly reflective room and the mic is picking that up. If you're not using a slapback, then the mic is picking up too much of the room and it's not flattering the otherwise excellent vocal takes.

I also like his suggestion of putting the vocals more in front of the guitar. Also, if you could complement the guitar with a finger-picked guitar, I think the two tracks would work very nicely together.

Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
Yeah it sounds like the mic is figure8 and you're picking up room sound. It's not a "direct" in your face vocal sound, it sounds kinda hollow.
Ahh, I hear what you're saying. No, I don't intentionally use slapback...as a matter of fact, I hang heavy duty moving blankets over the hallway closet and surrounding doors to alleviate the reflected sounds. As for the guitar too far out front, I can definitely reduce that with the faders and cut another master. Thanks for the critique...now we're getting somewhere...appreciate it!