Ever used a Cubicle as a recording station?


New member
I thought they might work idealy for a recording area.

Since it has walls to baffle sounds around, has outlets below for hooking up power.

Has holes on all desk surfaces to route wires through.

Lots of desktop area to set up equipment.

Plenty of walls to pin plans and details and such.

Drawers and desks store equipment and accessories.

Has anyone used them for this?
I haven't used them personally, but a friend of mine uses them in his studio, and they work quite well.
The individual panels also make EXCELLENT gobo's!
Anychance of you to post a few pictures?

There are so many kinds of Cubicles and price ranges, it would be really expensive to experiment by trial and error.
Well, it's not my studio that they're in use at, so I don't have any pictures of it.
I don't use any in my studio at this time because I'm in the process of building a new one.

But they're about 7 feet tall, and covered with cloth on both sides. The panels come in various lengths from 2 feet wide to 5 feet wide.
The outside frame is metal. Behind the cloth, or "inside" of the cubicle panels, it feels like some kind of really dense insulation, which is what makes them so desireable for studio use. They're probably about 2 1/2" to 3" thick.
The panels hook together using bolts and pins at the top, and a trim piece covers that.
Small cable chases run along the bottom.
Pretty typical as cubicles go, I think.
I am currantly using them in my garage studio. They work very well. I have several sections that I can move around as needed. I got mine for free during an office remodel. They are available cheap from used office furniture stores. I plan to hang some pannels from my ceiling over my drum "cube" next.
I was planning on using a cubicle in my studio too (but first I have to move into my new house and build the studio...). The only problem is that the cubicle I got for free from work is metal (not to mention an ugly yellow! - I think it's some sort of 70's throwback cube...). The more I think about it, the more I wonder if the metal is going to cause problems...??? I don't think covering it with cloth will really do much to sonically hide the fact that it's actually metal underneath. What do you guys think?

Also, when you say cheap, would that be close to the cost of covering mine with cloth (since that hideous yellow must go)? I'd imagine there must be quite a stock of cubicles since the dot bombs...
