Event 20/20s


New member
Hi all,

We have Event 20/20 V2 Direct Field Monitors in the radio station at my school here.

I think they sound excellent, and I end up running some of my mixes from home through them.

So tell me, are they good stuff?
I have them and I look at them everyday and thank god I don't have my m-audios anymore. My mixes translate extremely well and I couldn't be happier at this point. I expected some of the excitement to go away after a month or two, but its been six months and they still rock. Hell man you listen to them everyday, tell us what you think.
I've got a pair of Event PS6s, and I find them to be brutally honest which is a laudable characteristic of monitors. You don't want flattery from a monitor.
I'm content with my BAS 20/20's . Require a minimal amount of learnin their sound if your room is treated well.
The truth is that they are as good as you allow them to be. Other than that, I personally can't stand the Events. I don't like the newer ASP series a whole lot better either. Maybe for my living room I guess.
Well, I may think they sound good, but what do I know? I've never owned monitors before.

Anyways, my mixes sound brutally honest through them, but the sound of everything is so nice and warm and true.
The beautiful thing about recording is that we grow as engineers on a constant basis. WE learn to use what we have, and then we grow into other gear as we need it. I can not tell you how many things I have bought that I liked, until I heard something better. I have been through several sets of monitors over the years. I have never been unhappy with any of them. What I can say though, is that every time I have upgraded, thats when I realized just what I was missing the whole time. The events may sound honest to you right now, but if and when you ever get a nicer set, thats when you will realize what you have been missing. The bad news is that the desire to constantly improve and expand your selection of equipment never really ends either:(

It is also important to remember that just because you do get something better, it does not mean your old stuff was crap. It just means that you are finally in a better place to be able to do what you do. Not only that, but typically better also means more expensive and sometimes that just isn't feasible. If you are happy with your events, than good. There is nothing wrong with that. They may even be the best monitor for you right now. Down the road you may upgrade and you may not like the Events after that. You may realize how much more honest a different pair is. Thats OK too. Whats the point of an upgrade if there is no actual upgrade? :D