EV RE15 vs RE20


New member
I've been following trends on ebay, and have worked out that I can get a used RE15 mic for around a third of the price of a used RE20.

Bearing in mind what I've read on this board and others, which suggest that the RE15 is a pretty handy vocal mic, is there really a significant difference between these mics? The main difference people seem to say is that the RE20 has more top end.

Is there more to this than I'm seeing?
chess - would you feel comfortable using the RE15/16 in other places that one might use the RE20, like on kick drum, or bass cab, or acoustic guitar? Thanks,

In the long run I think you'll be happier with the Re 20. I am selling off a bunch of my stuff now because I bought cheap and, consequently, bought twice
Big Kenny said:
In the long run I think you'll be happier with the Re 20. I am selling off a bunch of my stuff now because I bought cheap and, consequently, bought twice

Trust me, if I could even remotely afford an RE20, I'd be on top of it, but since I'll be graduating from college in less than four months, money is a little tight. If the only difference is that the "RE20 has more top end," I think I'll be pretty happy with it. In any case, it'll be a big improvement over the SM57 I have now. Thanks for the advise though, I appreciate it.
Big Kenny said:
I am selling off a bunch of my stuff now because I bought cheap and, consequently, bought twice

Although I agree with the theory, I don't think it really applies in this particular case. You don't sell an RE-16 in order to upgrade to something better. You keep that around and ditch the crappy and mediocre stuff instead.

Selling off your most consistant and dependable tools isn't a very good strategy, no matter how bad your gear lust gets.

i spent this last weekend auditioning a re-20, a sm7 and an akg 414eb. the re20 i liked the least. missing in the lows, and overall not a character what i was looking for. seemed lacking. I was recording acoustic guitar and vocals. Sorry I don't have any better suggestions. Maybe if youre upgrading from a sm57, try a mxl 603. Its a condenser, cheap, but probably better than the sm57. A decent entry place. It is also brite, but at least youre not spending as much money.
I'm about up to my ears in Electrovoice dynamics with all sorts of model numbers on them. Use 'em on just about everything. They're money. Very few mics outside the nicer Neumanns have that kind of midrange. The mids are just so tangible. Like a candybar or an ice cream cone you can just grab and stuff it in your mouth. Reaooow ... CRUNCH ! ! (gulp)
chessrock said:
I'm about up to my ears in Electrovoice dynamics with all sorts of model numbers on them. Use 'em on just about everything. They're money. Very few mics outside the nicer Neumanns have that kind of midrange. The mids are just so tangible. Like a candybar or an ice cream cone you can just grab and stuff it in your mouth. Reaooow ... CRUNCH ! ! (gulp)

I came home last night and just caught the end of chic 'le freak' I'm pretty sure they were singing into shiny RE-11's.

if its good enough for chic its good enough for me :cool: (live anyway :p )

(the RE-11 is supposed to be the lower grade of RE-16)
OneRoomStudios said:
Trust me, if I could even remotely afford an RE20, I'd be on top of it, but since I'll be graduating from college in less than four months, money is a little tight. If the only difference is that the "RE20 has more top end," I think I'll be pretty happy with it. In any case, it'll be a big improvement over the SM57 I have now. Thanks for the advise though, I appreciate it.

Hey, I'm graduating from college in a few months too. You scared yet? I am ;)
I'm also graduating soon...but hey, with that degree, I'll be able to start affording all the crap I've been dreaming about! :D

- Jarick
paddyponchero said:
You will? Whata re you graduating in, Actuary :p

Haha, seriously though, college degrees are a dime-a-dozen these days. I can't even count how many people I know with Bachelors and Masters (and even some doctoral) degrees that are now living with their parents and can't find a job. Just having a degree isn't enough any more. You have to be diverse as hell. I majored in Communications with minors in Business, English and Music, and I'm still not sure I covered all the bases. Dream jobs are hard to come by these days. I’m not saying they don't exist, but man are they hard to land. All I can do is work my ass off and hope for the best.

Elektrikaz - Fuck yeah I'm scared :( but I'm confident that I can make something of myself.