EV 457A mics....

sponge bob

New member
Anyone got any comments about the EV N/D 457A mic?

I just aquired one, but can't seem to find any info on them!?!
Are they OK for live vocal apps? How do they compare to an
old trusty 58?

Thanx for the help,
Sponge Bob
That's supposed to be an excellent dynamic microphone.
I've got an EV C09 which is farther down the product range,
and it works better than a SM58 on my voice.
It's built even stronger than a '58 BTW.

Thanks Chessparov,
I have a couple 58's but I need something that really
cuts through the live mix. I think this mic is about
5-6 years old, but looks well cared for. guess I'll give it
a shot as soon as I get the chance.

Sponge Bob
I think you'll like it. I have a couple of them (from my live sound days) and much prefer them to 58s. They use the EV NeoDymium (rare earth) magnets and have a hot output. They're built like tanks.

I LOVE the EV N/D series for live sound! I've got 3 457B's, a 357B, 2 408B's, and an RE27. I use the 357 and the 457's on almost all my live vocals. They are great mics and very road worthy (much better at withstanding abuse than my Beyer M69's), and i was sorry to see them discontinued. I'm not sure of the differences between the 457A and 457B, but I did notice an improvement in handling noise in the 'B' series.