ESI QuataFire 610


New member
Hi there!

Has anyone any experience with this card? I'm looking for some audio samples. In general I think this card is worth it's money.
How can you know it's worth the money when you haven't established that it works? :)

I personally love ESI's drivers...easy routing and always good performance. I can't say I've tried their firewire devices...

I did funf this but that's about it... I don't remember anyone around here mentioning having the ESI firewire stuff.
On a dutch music bbs I read a few positive posts about it. It seems to work well.
I'm thinking about getting one. Or else the RME Mutliface with pcmcia interface (but that one costs twice as much.. choices.. choices..)
Well I'm getting one and I will do some tests. First I need to get a dealer. I costs somewhere around 445€. I like small little powerful devices like this. This Quatafire is just what I need. Little and useful.
Hi everybody, I'm really interested in buying the quatafire but I need to know which is the minimum latency you can get for playing live "virtual instruments". Please tell me your experiences and if you really feel that latency is imperceptible!
I tried Digidesign Mbox usb interface (borrowed) and I was disappointed to find that the minimum latency (128 samples) didn't work as if it was so low: I'm used to the maya44 from audiotrak and i'm really satisfied: i can play very well with 128 samples (but I can get a stable 1,5ms-64 samples with my 2 years old pc!!!). My current pc is a brand new powerful Centrino laptop: it will be perfect for any cpu intensive task.
when i tried the digidesign mbox with 128 samples (3ms) it was like my pci maya44 at 512samples or more (10ms at least!!!) so i fear that usb and/or firewire interfaces will have more latency independent on the "official" settings when compared to pci interfaces... did you ever made comparisons?

please this is very important for me!