ESI near05 or Alesis M1 Active MK2?


New member
Hi, I'm new to the forum so thought I'd ask some advice.

I've been looking to buy some small activwe monitors for home use and had narrowed it down to the ESI near05 experience. One place online has them for £179 but awaiting stock. Sound on Sound really liked these, and I was swayed towards these after having nearly bought some M-Audio BX5a Deluxe.

The place I was hoping to get the ESIs from has said they don't know when they'll get stock and have offered me an ex demo pair of Alesis M1 Active MK2 for £205.

Unfortunately I'm already pushing my budget to try and get the ESIs.

Can anyone offer any advice on these speakers? The guy who offered the Alesis ex demos said they are vastly superior to the ESI (possibly trying to get a sale), although SoS seemed really impressed with the ESI.

Sounds like a brick and mortar store. Would you be able to listen to them?

I can't speak for the MK2, but I have the Alesis M1Active 520's which I think are the little brothers. I really like them, great build quality and excellent sound.

I think you would like them, but have a listen first if you can.