Error when trying to EXPORT .wav


New member
I am getting an error when trying to export the mixdown to a .wav or any other file. It is only happening with one particular mixdown. Everyting else is working fine.

the file plays fine...on CUBASE. Any tips?
Not sure why you posted in the Alesis forum? You may have better luck in the Cubase forum.

None the less, can you give more detail. Describe exactly what and how you are doing it and what is the error message?
My bad...I guess becuase I was using the Multimix to record.:eek:

When I go to FILE...EXPORT...then run thru all the spec (where I want to save it etc) I get an error then I try to export. It only occures with this one file. I would rather not start from scratch as I have some significant time involed in this one.
What exactly is the error message?

I use Sonar not Cubase theory you should have all your wave files from the project in a folder on your computer. Worst case scenario you could start a new project and import those wav files and stat again.

I'd probably back up those files right away too...