Er this cant be right!


New member
Hammerfall Lite. PII 350Mhz. 256MB RAM. 20GIG IBM Deskstar HD.

The situation:
Recording a synth into Hammerfall card using analogue expansion board and Nuendo.

Starts off fine, then pops and crackles start, then nuendo metronome begins to slow down (!!!) and finally pitch of instrument being recorded slowly drops until recording grinds to a halt!

H E L P.

Am using seperate disk for audio, already disabled USB port, using up to date driver ASIO driver for Hammerfall.

Any geniuses out there tell me what I'm doing wrong?


have you tried increasing the audio buffer?

Also, is your system optimised for audio recording?

Is dma turned on?
Is audio hardware acceleration turned off?
Is your display set at 16 bits,
Are all start-up apps removed?
Are you running another software while running nuendo
Are system sounds, screen saver, and wall paper turned off?
Is virtual memory turned off?

try optimising your system and see if it helps.

Or it may be an irq conflict or a bad driver or something

thanks -

i got all those covered except virtual memory.

Somehow i'm reluctant to tinker with that, are you sure it's necessary?

Been thinking about this and its a puzler. Just a shot in the dark, but check for IRQ conflicts. If two devices are using the same IRQ try moving one of them around till you have one device per IRQ. It's possible you might have devices that are not playing nicely together.