Equipment suggestion


New member
Right now I am using a pretty new laptop, a m-audio mobile pre usb, and mixcraft recording software. I am recording guitar, vocal, bass and either live drums or programmed drums from Beatcraft.
The problem is, it just seems like it is to much work to get things done. Trying to line up tracks with not grid/snap etc. It just seems like there is an eaiser way.
Does anyone have any ideas? Should I maybe buy a standalone machine or maybe get some better equiptment and stick with the pc recording.
I think the first thing people will ask you is to tell us more about your computer (RAM, HD, Processor)...

I am running a Pentium M 1.2 Ghz with 512 RAM and a 40gb HD ( I store stuff on an external though because my laptop hard drive has crashed before) and I have a Mobile-Pre into Cubase SE. It works ok, in my opinion much easier for editing and such than a standalone. I think USB soundcards will always have some latency issues, that's why I'll buy a good desktop just for recording eventually. That being said, I don't really experience much latency at all with audio recording, sometimes monitoring MIDI I do. I'm not sure why you would be experiencing difficulty unless it's a computer issue. I also don't know much about your software....why don't you try kristal just to see if it solves anything? it's free so it can't hurt

anyone else?
equipment suggestion

I actually just went to GC and look into buying Cubase SE. I think that might be the way to go, but I will give Kristal a try.
My pc is if I remember an HP laptop 2.0 centrinon with 512mb ram, 40 gb hard drive.