equipment list for my studio.. opinions?


New member
I just went to guitar center to figure out what i need and right now im in the process of figuring out other prices.. and if its exactly what i need. But roughly its as follows:

yamaha EMX67: $267

512E speakers: $164 each

I dont know if i should get studio projects b1's or the MK012 mics that he recommended to me... any suggestions welcome

mk012: $91 each

this is without tax. Am i getting what im paying for?

well, what do you plan on doing with the equipment? what type of music? what type of recording? what do you already have?
im looking to record jam sessions with the band to my pc. nothing fancy. I already have two shure 58's.. thats it. I am going to use the PA as a mixer so i can kill two birds with one stone so to speak because we dont have live sound or anything to record with yet and we dont have a huge budget.

one shure 58 will be vocals and then the other one can be moved around to where needed. im just wondering if the mk102 or the b1's would be better since the mk102's are a tad bit cheaper. Also we are a garage band and we havent gotten any gigs yet. Do we even need two speakers?

what will you be using the recordings for? general 'note taking,' as demos or to record a quality album?

what soundcard are you using?

i can't tell you the differences between the mk012 and B1's since i have never used them. Remember though, if you are going to use a condensor mic you will need to have phantom power for it....
Spooky, what the hell is a yamaha EMX67? I can't even find it on a google search. Microphones tend to be useful for some things, but not others. I use both of the mics you mentioned, and for general use, I would prefer th B-1's. Make sure you get a pair with the same colored dot on the box, because they'll be at least somewhat matched. However, right now, I don't think you're ready to buy anything. You're asking questions, and that's good, but you haven't done enough research yet to understand the answers.
As Lucid pointed out, if your going to use condenser mics, you'll need phantom power. You can get that from some PA mixers, but they're usually very good ones. (read expensive). You can buy a Rolls phantom power supply for about $45, but you would need one for each mic, and extra cables.
What is really unclear here is your signal chain. Yeah, a PA mixer can be used for a recording preamp, or it can be used for live performance. Doing both at the same time is tough, because you have to be able to hear each other without causing feedback, and I don't really see how you're going to do that. Consider getting simple. Get a small mixer, if possible find a small used Mackie. You don't need a lot of channels, just 2-4, with phantom power. Get your live PA, because if you ever want to be *not* a garage band, you need it, with real speaker cabinets. Plug those 2 B-1's into the little mixer (if you have to, even a Behringer will work for cheap) and record the whole band with 2 mics, just like you would in remote recording. Send the main line outs of the little mixer to the stereo line in on your sound card. Use the 58 for the vocalist, and no other mics are needed. The Oktavas would also work fine in the same arrangement.
The problem with using the PA mixer as a recording mixer, is that everything has to get to the board, *and* you all have to be able to hear each other. Sending the drums to the board is a pain in and of itself, and takes several mics. I think it's simpler and cheaper to have your recording signal chain separate from the PA, based on a small mixer and a stereo pair of mics. Keep working on it, you'll get it.-Richie
Yamaha EMX is usually powered mixers. Haven't got a clue to what 512E speakers are though. In any case, I get the feeling this is wholly inadequate for monitoring purposes when recording, but if you need a PA for playing live, you obviously should get that first, in which case the above equipment very well may be good stuff.
Oktava makes good mics, so those will be good for overheads, and id use the other sm58 for the guitar amp and also to catch a little bit of the base drum and hi hat if possible.
hey thanks, the only reason for the EMX62 (it does have phantom power) is because of budget. Im trying to kill two birds with one stone by getting the PA and using it as a mixer so we can get live sound and do some recording at the same time.

I suppose getting a small mixer and recording the band as a whole might be simpler. But, acording to some people i have talked to i can do recording with seperate tracks as well with the PA.

Also, are you sure about the impossible because of feedback thing? if you are i need to reconsider my options.

Ive decided upon the mc012 probably because i have heard they are better for drums.
