equipment first then software?


New member
i'm dying to make the big trip to the music store and go crazy there.
the only thing i can't make my mind up about is which software to use?

should i just get the soundcard,mixer,mic and midi controller i want then try demo's of software? or is that a bad idea?
Thats a good way to go as long as you have properly reaserched for the soundcard,mixer,mic and midi controller that will fill your specific needs. dont buy stuff that's wrong for u cuz ur itching to buy.
Here is another thought....

Buy it right, buy it once. If you have the option of a average pre-amp and an effects unit, or a really nice sounding pre-amp, get just the nice sounding pre-amp.

As for software, most software programs come with an internal mixer (and lot's of other stuff also). If you have a couple of retailers near you, have a talk to someone from each store, tell them what you want, like how many tracks you want to record at one time, what platform you are using (Mac vs PC), what OS you are using (Mac OS9 / Windows XP). Those questions should limit your choices of programs. The number of inputs will reduce the number of options you can use for sound cards.

Work out your priorities, what you can afford. If you spend say $1000 on 10 items or $1000 on 2 item of better quality, you probably won't need to replace the 2 items (until they break :( ), where as you might buy better quality version of the 10 cheap things you've bought down the track.

Just a couple of suggestions,

Yes selecting hardware first and then software makes sense, since most software will work with multiple hardware. To have the best chance fo getting what you want though I would suggest a 3 tier model.


That way, when you get to the store and they show you some completely different piece of hardware you first question is not 'how does it compare to the others' which is complicated, but rather 'does it meet my specifications', which is usually simpler. Then if it passes that step then you compare tit to your other hardware choices.
What kind of equipment do you want to purchase?

Outboard gear?




There are a TON of questions to be asked. ;)

You should give us some info, so we can steer you in the right direction. :cool:

If you are going the computer route. You should download the demo versions of the software (to see which one best suits you), before you purchase them.

want to spend about $1600 all together give or take a little.
i want to record the vocals ,guitar,bass through a mic and use midi to produce my drums and other effects and sounds.

i have a dual pentium 3 computer with windows XP

will only record one or two tracks at once. then layer the hell out of them.

would like great quality sound .
i would also like to have the ability either through my keyboard or mixer to change or give effects to a track while i'm listening to it. like giving it more "crunch" or delay or whatever.

thanks so far