Equipment dilemma! Which 1 (ADAT or DA-?8HR))


Im using a TMD-1k/ PCI-822 setup and need a back-up recorder. Yeah I know TDIF makes things more convenient for Tascam recorders. But the latest crop, the DA-78HR sells for around $ 2600 and the only "new" DA-38 I've seen was going for $ 1800. C'mon $ 1800 for a 16 bit discontinued recorder. Alesis has a 24 bit, 24 track Hard Disk recorder for $ 2k. Besides, I've seen 20 bit ADATs everywhere for around a grand. Been looking pretty hard at them too.
I love my little mixer, even if it has become extinct. I also want to have components designed to compliment it, mainly a base model 24 bit Tascam tape recorder (under $ 2k). Hurry before Alesis takes over.
I've just read that Alesis has filed Chapter 11.
So, if there are any Tascam Reps browsing this site, please consider my proposal for a base model DA-38HR [patent pending]
This or That, This or That, This or That

You can go with This or you can go with That ...

Anyway the DA78-88 whatever will suite your needs cause it's TASCAM compatible, now depending on how many tracks you will need is another story 8/16/24.

Also, you can only send two tracks at a time via TDIF

With ADAT, you will still be able to send only two tracks cause that's how TASCAM makes their systems, with ADAT you can do
8 in one pass, or 1 at a time.
(( I think the TMD1000 has an adat optical port))

The difference: More people may have ADAT in which you can transport your songs to someone elses studio for further mixing/add on/eq or whatever.

Many people do use DA 78-88, but the majority of usage in studios would be ADAT. In your situation DA 78 would be better cause its suited specifically for it. But the other things I mentioned are just to keep you informed of ADAT usage
I can agree with you on the fact that there are more ADATs around than Tascam recorders, but I've never heard of 2 channel TDIFs. They are 8 channels. However there are 2 channel lightpipe optical, which is similar to ADAT lightpipe. You might want to go back and glance over that again.
The main objective of my previous post was to suggest that Tascam has made some rather disturbing decisions regarding their product line.
For example;
1) Why would you buy a 16-bit tape based recorder that is $1800 when your competition has a 20-bit recorder for around a $ 1000?

2) Their newest recorders, the DA-78HR and DA-98HR, which are 24-bit recorders, are priced more than Hard Disk recorders, All-in-one units, and entire computer based DAWs. They don't even seem to care about trends in the Audio industry.
There was even a post on Tasam's on Forum about how the Tascam TMD-4000 has become obsolete in less than 2 years. NO support or answers for the people who have purcased the mixer. I just want to know if they are experiencing corporate restructuring or just lost focus on "us", the consumer.

Correction TDIF is 8, I was thinking SPDIF, I was talking on the phone about two channel transfers to someone, guess my conversation lapsed into my typing.