New member
hi fellaz,
i was just usin a search engine to try and find some advice/techniques on equin and compression and i stumbled on to here. hope u don't mind. i hope someone can help me with my questions. first, i'll tell a little bit about what little a have to work with so maybe it'll give you somethin to draw from.
i have a PIII450, 256 RAM, E-MU APS soundcard. i use Cubase. for any real musicians in here, i hope you don't mind that i don't actually play any instruments. i just program the music and import the wave files into Cubase, then copy and paste.
okay, i have all my audio tracked and i'm ready to start equin and apply compression. i do hip-hop type music so i know compression is a big factor. the problem is, i need some general guidelines with numbers for like say attack, threshold, and ratio. the same with the equin- i don't know what frequency ranges i should use. also, are there any good compression plgins to be used as send effects per track that i should be usin mainly?(i heard from a friend that Waves RCL is a good one for percussion)
i'm wonderin the same about eq's. i know the ones in Cubase (the high-quality ones) are good but they eat CPU power up kinda bad. there must be an EQ plgin someone could reccommend that i could use as a send effect for all the tracks isn't there? i know it's a big request and i apologise for that but this is quite important. we have a show comin up on June 15 and i have some new tracks that i have to mix and run off to DAT. i hope someone can help. thnx alot fellas.
1 quick question. What type of signals are you trying to compress and eq! are these sound devices such as keyboards,drummachines
etc. Are your signals from 3rd party sources
such as albums,c/ds or tapes? Thanks
evrything. percussion and other instruments like strings and Santurs, pianos etc.