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I'd like to get more grip on my bass-sound. I think an equalizer will help me in colouring the sound. But what equalizer should I use? I see a lot of cheap Behringer 19" eq. around, but I know they're mostly used in PA-systems and studios.
My option is to set the equalizer in the effects loop of my bass-amp. Will this get any good results?
I use a two channel 31 band Behringer Graphic EQ and a two channel Behringer Parametric EQ. I've been recording my bass tracks for the past two weeks and I'm not disappointed.
I'd suggest a parametric. Mainly because you can control the exact freq if you have a boom or a shallow sound. You can up or lower that particular note without effecting the surrounding sounds.

Sure you'll get some good results. Ask ten people and you'll probably get seven different answers. Lets wait and see on that one. :)
I've never set my gear up that way, your option. I mic my bass, into a mixer then into the EQ chain. I apply effects after the sound passes through the EQs. It make me happy that way. But changing things around will alter the sounds too.
It all depends on what tone or sound your looking for.

Almost all music shops have a thirty day full refund return policy. Gives you plenty of time to get to know what ever gear you buy.
Talk to the sales person. He should know what the hell he's talking about or he wouldn't be there.

Let us know what you do....
Thanks! I need this set up (in the effects loop) for live performance. For recording, applying the eq. AFTER the amp would a better way. And also, when applying the eq. in the effects loop the signal will be powerfull enough for the eq.
I'll 2nd a parametric eq.A 4 or 5 band with adjustable Q would be the cats meow.A 31 band graphic will work nicely too.