eq'ing snares


New member
i been learning how to eq through trial and error basically and im not sure how to eq snares to get them to sounfd the way i want, xometimes i want a hard hitting snare and sometyimes i want a hollow flat snare what are some eq'ing techniques for snares be it i make hiphop beats.
Are u using real drums or samples?...typically you want to record the snare as close to what you want instead of relying on EQ.....mic positioning and good drum tuning and good playing technique fall in here...if you are using samples, all this goes out the window.....generally, the fullness (or hollowness) of the snare is around 100-200hz, between 200-800 is muddy and the presence is around 5k-8khz.....
Presence is like fullness....if you increase EQ, it will thicken the sound up a tad and make it sound fuller....if you decrease EQ it will thin out the sound.....

the best way to learn all this is to sit with a parametic eq (if you dont have one, N Track at www.fasoft.com has one you can play on)....get a track going and set the boost to about +10 and sweep thru the frequencies...you will then hear the difference a boost makes all thru the frequencies....after that set it at a -10 cut and do the same...if this sounds Greek, Ill try to explain it better.....