Eq Spec Pls

The First Don

New member
Allow me to explain my disposition better:

1. I am broke as fuk.
2. I have 1 amp with 2 12s that I don't want to move out of our practice space just to record a demo
3. I have a very good ear and can't stand a sound that is sh.it

Heres the gear that I am using and limiting myself to for practical reasons:

1. Digitech rp-12 which has a high gain distortion, compression (which seems to sound cool,) a 4 band EQ with adjustable bandwidths, and an amp emulator.
2. A Boss BR-532 which I am using as a mixer that has a 2 band EQ with adjustable band widths, it also has a low/high enhancer.
3. I have these routed as gain stages before my primary recording device, a PC with Vegas. Where I plan to use resonant filters to alter the overtone sound on the guitars.

I want to emulate the sound of an amplifer as much as possible, using D/L, by manipulating the EQ's, setting the cab emulator, and mabey using compression, and the enhancer.

I am recording (writing,) for two guitars, but also plan to add drums and bass to the mix.

I plan to mix by cutting various freqs between all instruments, and panning.

I like a heavy (not metal) sound. However I play alot of 3rds and 7ths in leads. I would have to have two different but similar guitar sounds. One that is heavy, and one that is distinctive.

Any ideas regarding what frequencies, from the range of 80 - 1170, that would be ideal to manipulate, to recreate the sound i that i desire. Any suggestions regarding compression, and the enhancer?

Thanks for any help.
Um... how can we help you if we have no idea on what the sound is you want? Regardless of this, EQ, compession etc will NOT get yo THAT sound. THAT sound comes from using the gear used in the original recording.

Trying to make a marshall solid state played on a $300 strat sound like a mesa tube amp played with a $1200 gibson probably wont happen.
I have a fender american delux. Anyways, if I could get the rhythm guitars to emulate a mesa triple rectifier that would be pretty cool. I could probabily figure out the lead guitars from there.
I have a fender american delux. Anyways, if I could get the rhythm guitars to emulate a mesa triple rectifier that would be pretty cool. More importantly then emulating that sound, is just getting a good sound. For instance knowing what the fundemental freq ranges are on the guitar, or knowing how mesa electronics, and the physical properties of the cab alter those frequencies, so that i can copy those alterations. I could probabily figure out the lead guitars from there.

For as good as my ear may be, D/L is a bitc.h