EQ software plugin VS hardware units..

Its true, hardware reverbs do LOOK better..

(in Homer Simpson voice) "rows of shiney lights.... pretty... must have BIGGER rack of lights...."
Rocktron Intellifex

The Rocktron Intellifex is one sweetest processors i'v seen and I wouldn't replace it by soft verbs.

It does wonders for just about any instrument and acts as a multiple fx processor with hush, delay, pitch shift .. whatever. It's sweet. .. 24 bit triple converter with 64x oversampling ..

I wouldn't use my cpu cycles on reverb since my rackmount does it all.

Granted you have to take it one track at a time .. so the advantage lies in the plugin's court on that one .. but this particular rackmount unit is so reliable and flexible that i wouldn't trade it for 5000$ worth of plugins.
"(in Homer Simpson voice) "rows of shiney lights.... pretty... must have BIGGER rack of lights...."


Shiney lights........... LOL