EQ order

Sonic Rat

Was wondering which order members tweek their eq when mixing......Bass first,last ,in the middle, etc.......and advantages of each if any......I seem to mostly do it helter skelter,which I'm sure wastes time....... :confused:
I have 3-BAND eq on each channel, and only the mid is parametric. So I usually narrow the Q on the mid, crank it up to +16db and sweep through the bass first, for no particular reason. Once I find where I need to cut, I go up to the highs and see what's annoying up there. Then I do the mids.
The few times I use EQ I also start with the lows, then go to the highs, then the mids if I feel it needs it.
getting a control on the low end i find is usually the best place to start....i throw on all my high-pass filters 1st, then get the relationship between the instruments that reside in the low end(kick, bass, etc.) worked out

after that, i just hit whatever sounds like it needs tweaking
Sonic Rat said:
Was wondering which order members tweek their eq when mixing......Bass first,last ,in the middle, etc.......and advantages of each if any......I seem to mostly do it helter skelter,which I'm sure wastes time....... :confused:

i listen for what needs EQ'ing. If it sounds fine, i don't touch it!
Where ever the largest problems are, in cut mode first preferably. The low ends seem to get the most activity.