EQ can someone explain this??? thanks


New member
I own Protools LE 6.7 mbox I already use a compressor and i was told this is what i need to do to a mp3 instrumental in order to sound in the mix with vocals. so i dont sound just over the beat.
To: Midwesttribune "The vocal is loud enough I think the problem is you haven't made room for it with EQ. Unless you've done this already send your mp3 to a bus, place an EQ in the bus and scoop out some of the mid range, centre the peak around 1k reduce around 3db with a Q around 0.60 to 0.80. Then on your vocal boost the mid range but only by 1-2 db at 1k with the same Q. This should make the vocal intelligeble without it being so loud it sits on top of the mix. Hope this helps." From: person

With protools on the eq levels you can tweak is this:
input-(starts at 0.0) type: select (hi-pass, lo-pass, hi-shelf, low-shelf, or peak) Gain-(starts at -8.0) Freq-(starts at 1.0khz) Q-(starts at 1.30)

so to "centre the peak" i select peak? what about the "1K"? how do i "boost the midrange" to "reduce around 3db" is that reduce the gain from -8.0 to -11.0? and as far as the Q i understand just move that between 0.60 and 0.80 from the orginal 1.30 an i just do this to the mp3's bus its on?
What he's suggesting is that you gently and widely gouge out of the MP3 the mid frequencies surrounding 1kHz by just a couple of dB and then boost those same frequencies in the vocal by just a bit less.

What I suggest is that you get the original tracks from your DJ instead of a canned MP3 so it can all be mixed at the same time.
