eq and compression-plz help.


New member
hi fellaz,

i was just usin a search engine to try and find some advice/techniques on equin and compression and i stumbled on to here. hope u don't mind. i hope someone can help me with my questions. first, i'll tell a little bit about what little a have to work with so maybe it'll give you somethin to draw from.
i have a PIII450, 256 RAM, E-MU APS soundcard. i use Cubase. for any real musicians in here, i hope you don't mind that i don't actually play any instruments. i just program the music and import the wave files into Cubase, then copy and paste.
okay, i have all my audio tracked and i'm ready to start equin and apply compression. i do hip-hop type music so i know compression is a big factor. the problem is, i need some general guidelines with numbers for like say attack, threshold, and ratio. the same with the equin- i don't know what frequency ranges i should use. also, are there any good compression plgins to be used as send effects per track that i should be usin mainly?(i heard from a friend that Waves RCL is a good one for percussion)
i'm wonderin the same about eq's. i know the ones in Cubase (the high-quality ones) are good but they eat CPU power up kinda bad. there must be an EQ plgin someone could reccommend that i could use as a send effect for all the tracks isn't there? i know it's a big request and i apologise for that but this is quite important. we have a show comin up on June 15 and i have some new tracks that i have to mix and run off to DAT. i hope someone can help. thnx alot fellas.
for eq guideline please see the answer in my post for multiband info ,it points to recordingeq.com
and i suggest article all about eq at www.prorec.com by lionel dumond
or you can start experiment by using TC paraEQ
it has many preset to start with
hope this help