Epiphone Sheraton II: Z90s or '57 Classics?


New member
Yeah, yeah, I know, why blow the dough on an Epi?

Well, I just replaced the tuners and otherwise I like the guitar a lot. Take the price of the axe itself, then pony up for locking Grovers and a set of not- so- cheap pickups, plus potentially a custom- ordered pickguard and you're still weighing in at around 1/3 the cost of a new ES-335. So there... that's why. ;)

So now I have to decide which way to go with the pups. The Z90s apparently have everybody losing bowel control over their ineffable awesomeness :rolleyes:. I usually take that with a grain of salt, but anybody that can get endorsed by Bill Frizell can't be all wrong. Add to that the fact that I played a Strat for years and this is my first foray into semihollow country, and I'm thinking that some nice custom singlecoils combined with all that extra resonance might be way up my alley.

On the other hand, the ES-335 never sported P90s AFAIK, and I feel I might be missing out on some of the experience if I go Frankenstein. I dunno. As far as the stock buckers go, I'm enjoying the mellowness I get from the middle toggle position... the clean tone is super clean if kinda flat... but I can't get used to how much "cut" I'm not getting anymore, especially from the bridge pickup. Creativity with the EQ helps some in that dept., but I know no matter where I go I'm going to get better frequency response. A year into this guitar, I think I'm about ready for it.

And yeah, I'm sure you might want to say "only you can decide that..." and that's true, I'll probably wake up one morning in a couple weeks having made the fateful decision.

In the meantime though, I'd appreciate it if any of you could yell at me about it one way or the other, just for speculation's sake... just to kinda prolong the agony or something...
hi there!

I too have a ´89 Sheraton II ... and I must say that I have some very high end guitars (gretsches, mostly) ... and the best craftsmanship of all my guitars - is in the sheraton ... by far!!!!!

mine is blonde, 16 years old and could be sold for "new" ... there is nothing on this guitar that is NOT perferct.

I also like the sound a lot, somebody changed the bridge PUP w/ some other that i dont really care for ... and the neck PUP is kinda boomey/bassey ... but it is very obvious that its begging for good PUPs - and you'll have a winner

but wood-wise this guitar screams for some vintage Lawrances or so ...

a little known fact is that the sheraton was actually the "big brother" of the ES335 - as they were both launched at the same time (58 i think) where the 335 was the workhorse and the sheraton was the fancy dresser ... unfortunately the 335 developed a stronger leadership, which allowed them to hike the prices like crazy.

I had a Sheraton II and it was a great guitar. The only thing was that is was missing the bite\edge\cut whatever you want to call it. P90's just might be what the doctor ordered.

If you want to stick with humbuckers, Burstbuckers would be a good choice if you can afford them.
I have a late 80's Sheraton that I fitted S/Duncans to years ago.........'59 Classic at the neck and a Jeff Beck at the bridge. There's no point in making comparisons to either my Strat or Tele but it is a bit more mellow than any of our Les Pauls and yet quite capable of getting some gritty bite if pushed.
