Epiphone Casino pickup question... answers please!!!


New member
Hello everybody! I just got my new Epiphone Casino in vintage sunburst and i'm so happy with it! It is not the elitist version, it is the one that sells around 600$. I would like to upgrade it by putting seymour duncan's p-90 style pickups. I just want to make sure I can do it. I know the casino features p-90 pickups but I don't want to buy two pickups without being sure it will work. The link of my guitar is here:


There's pickup covers on it.

Thank you very much!

Seymour Duncans will work great in that guitar. I would recommend replacing all of the electronics especially the input jack and 3 way switch (Switchcraft). Changing the pots and wiring harness is not quite as important but do it all at the same time if you can. Get rid of that plastic nut and get one cut in bone, you're set!